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  • EN 60079-0 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 0: Equipment — General requirements
  • EN 60079-1 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 1: Equipment — protection by flameproof enclosures ¡®d¡¯
  • EN 60079-2 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 2: Equipment — protection by pressurized enclosure ¡®p¡¯
  • EN 60079-5 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 5: Equipment — protection by powder filling ¡®q¡¯
  • EN 60079-6 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 6: Equipment — protection by liquid immersion ¡®o¡¯
  • EN 60079-7 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 7: Equipment — protection by increased safety ¡®e¡¯
  • EN 60079-11 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 11: Equipment — protection by intrinsic safety ¡®i¡¯
  • EN 60079-15 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 15: Equipment — protection by type of protection ¡®n¡¯
  • EN 60079-18 : Explosive atmospheres — Part 18: Equipment — protection by encapsulation ¡®m¡¯
  • EN 60079-10-1 : Explosive atmospheres - Part 10-1: Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres

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Multi Function Analyzer


  • ÁÖ¼Ò : °æ±âµµ ¾È¾ç½Ã µ¿¾È±¸ ¿¤¿¡½º·Î 142(È£°èµ¿) ±ÝÁ¤¿ª SK V1¼¾ÅÍ 712-714È£»ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 129-86-74447
  • ´ëÇ¥ : ÀÌÇؼº, ¼­´ë¿øTEL : 031-427-8051 FAX : 031-427-8054
  • copyright (c) SAFE WORLD. all right reseved. [°ü¸®ÀÚ]